One of the main goals, while implementing this framework, was to make it as readable as possible, also for non-developers. Therefore most objects and methods have names which try to describe the GUI and the operations from a testers viewpoint, instead of using terms more common to developers.
Our DSL/framework has been developed as a set of Gui-object classes. They represent objects like: Button, Label, TextBox, DataGrid, DataGridCell, etc. All of these classes contain the commonly used operations and validations performed on these objects. Some of the objects also has a class whose name is pluralized; these classes return collections of the different types, like Labels, TextBoxes, etc. The pluralized classes mainly contain validations like AllShouldBeEmpty/HaveContent or AllShouldBeEnabled/Disabled.
All the object classes were created to hide away as much as possible of the MS UI Automation code and code which tries to simulate that it is a user doing these operations.
An example of an operation that simulates users waiting for the applicaion to be ready is the button click method: After actually clicking the button, the method will call Process.WaitForInputIdle() which waits for the application process to enter an idle state.
The actual MS UI Automation code is found in extension methods under AutomationCode, and it is these methods the object classes use. The MS UI Automation code is more or less just different ways to search for the correct AutomationElement, i.e. the actual element in the current application, or the correct pattern, like InvokePattern, ValuePattern or SelectionItemPattern.
Our DSL/framework has been developed as a set of Gui-object classes. They represent objects like: Button, Label, TextBox, DataGrid, DataGridCell, etc. All of these classes contain the commonly used operations and validations performed on these objects. Some of the objects also has a class whose name is pluralized; these classes return collections of the different types, like Labels, TextBoxes, etc. The pluralized classes mainly contain validations like AllShouldBeEmpty/HaveContent or AllShouldBeEnabled/Disabled.
All the object classes were created to hide away as much as possible of the MS UI Automation code and code which tries to simulate that it is a user doing these operations.
An example of an operation that simulates users waiting for the applicaion to be ready is the button click method: After actually clicking the button, the method will call Process.WaitForInputIdle() which waits for the application process to enter an idle state.
The actual MS UI Automation code is found in extension methods under AutomationCode, and it is these methods the object classes use. The MS UI Automation code is more or less just different ways to search for the correct AutomationElement, i.e. the actual element in the current application, or the correct pattern, like InvokePattern, ValuePattern or SelectionItemPattern.
Some more concrete samples:
The method Button("") in the superclass hides a call to a static method in the GuiButton class. That method runs the correct UI Automation searches and returns an object of the GuiButton class. This class then contains the AutomationElement for the button. The buttons have different action/validations methods:- The Click method will do a search for the stored AutomationElements InvokePattern, invoke the pattern and wait for the process to become idle.
- The ShouldBeEnabled method will assert that its AutomaionElement.Current.IsEnabled property is true.
- The ShouldBeVisible method will assert that its AutomaionElement.Current.IsOffscreen property is false.
The method CheckBox("") works in the same way as the Button("") method. The GuiCheckBox class contains the AutomationElement of the checkbox and the TogglePattern for it.
- IsChecked / IsUnchecked / IsIndeterminate returns the
AutomationElement.Current.ToggleState == ToggleState.On / Off / Indetermindate. - ShouldBeChecked / ShouldNotBeChecked asserts that the checkbox is in the correct state
- Check and UnCheck executes the TogglePattern.Toggle method until the checkbox is in the correct state. So in practice, they cycle through all the possible states of the checkbox.
The pluralized version of the class for comboboxes inherits from List, and its static call will return all comboboxes whose identifier starts with a certain prefix. This class contains the following methods:
- ShouldShow(params string[] values) which will assert that all the supplied values is the selected item of at least one combobox on the screen.
- CountShouldBe(int expectedcount) asserts that the number of comboboxes is as expected.
- SetValues(string[] selectValues) loops through the selectValues and sets them as the selected item in the different comboboxes. Note, there must be at least as many comboboxes as there are values to select.
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